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 The Northland Sports Network live streams Oredocker sports.  Our   streaming schedule will be posted here.  You can also go to our website,  
www.northlandsportsnet.com, to see our schedule of upcoming games, or directly to our live streaming channel, www.OredockersLive.com.  Games are also archived on the "Archives" tab at  www.northlandsportsnet.com or www.ashlandsportschannel.com.

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This site is dedicated to showcasing the co-curricular activities of Ashland High School in Ashland, Wisconsin. While we will primarily feature AHS sports teams and individuals, we will also endeavor to include information about other co-curricular activities - such as, but not limited to, band, orchestra, choir and drama. This site is not intended to replace the School District of Ashland's web site - www.ashland.k12.wi.us. Please continue to use that site for general school district information. Our purpose in designing this site is to better organize information and dialogue about co-curricular activities only.

This site features an events calendar, news and information, game results and summaries, photos, videos, and more. However, the site administrator can only do so much. User input is vital to keeping this site current. We invite you to become a registered user of this website, and to submit material for inclusion. You must be registered to make submissions, and all submissions will be monitored and approved by the site administrator before they are posted.

To register, simply click on the "Register" menu item at the top of the page. Even if you decide not to register, we invite you to sign our "Guestbook" and let us know what you think of this website, or suggestions you may have.

To submit a Events Calendar item, click on the "Calendar" button in the Navigation menu. The calendar page will come up. Then, click on the date of your event and the event submission screen will come up. Enter a short title and information about the event, and your e-mail address, then click the "submit" button. Your item will not appear on the calendar until it is approved by the site adminsitrator. You will receive an e-mail notifying you when it has either been approved or denied.

Thank you for visiting. Please come back often.

Date and Time



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Winter Sports


Conference Games in Bold

Boys Basketball (3-17, 2-12)
St. Croix Falls 60, Ashland 40
Northwestern 71, Ashland 41
Ashland 54, Chetek-Weyerhaeuser 45
Cameron 57, Ashland 44
Ladysmith 73, Ashland 52
Cumberland 52, Ashland 39
Hayward 64, Ashland 56
Barron 65, Ashland 62
Chetek-Weyerhaeuser 57, Ashland 48
Ashland 72, Spooner 59
St. Croix Falls 64, Ashland 46

Ashland 71, Washburn 33
Amery 72, Ashland 54
Rhinelander 76, Ashland 34
Cameron 69, Ashland 38
Ladysmith 76, Ashland 53

Rice Lake 73, Ashland 44
Cumberland 61, Ashland 51
Lakeland 77, Ashland 49
Antigo 71, Ashland 57

Girls Basketball (2-18, 0-15)
Spooner 40, Ashland 29
St. Crois Falls 47, Ashland 9

Ashland 39, Antigo 37
Chetek-Weyerhaeuser 33, Ashland 27
Cameron 79, Ashland 22
Cumberland 55, Ashland 26
Ladysmith 64, Ashland 27
Hayward 63, Ashland 16
Northwestern 90, Ashland 25
Barron 45,:Ashland 22

Spooner 48, Ashland 28
Ashland 59, Bayfield 26
Washburn 32, Ashland 30
St. Croix Falls 56, Ashland 27
Chetek-Weyerhaeuser 47, Ashland 27
Cameron 88, Ashland 16
Ladysmith 53, Ashland 31
Cumberland 34, Ashland 29

Merrill 82, Ashland 51
Hurley 54, Ashland 37

Hockey (5-17, 2-5)
Lakeland 6, Ashland 0
Ashland 7, Spooner 4
Ashland 4, Rhinelander 0
Regis-Altoona-McDonnell 5, Ashland 3
Hayward 3, Ashland 1
Somerset 6, Ashland 0
Moose Lake Area 4, Ashland 1
D.C Everest 12, Ashland 0
Hayward 2, Ashland 1
Baldwin-Woodville 3, Ashland 2

Northland Pines 6, Ashland 1
Ashland 5, NW Icemen 4
WSFLG 4, Ashland 1
Sauk Prairie 6, Ashland 0
Marshfield 5, Ashland 4 (OT)
Madison West 7, Ashland 1
Jeffers 8, Ashland 0
Mora 5, Ashland 3
Ashland 5, Spooner 3
North Shore 3, Ashland 1
Amery 6, Ashland 2
Ashland 6, Northwest 5 (2 OT)

Boys Wrestling 

Girls Wrestling



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