This website is owned and maintained by Clarence Campbell of Ashland, Wisconsin.
I have been involved with co-curricular activities, particularly sports, at Ashland High School for over 40 years. I have broadcast several hundred football, basketball, hockey and baseball games on the radio and, recently, on the internet, including state championship games in every sport. I am very proud to say that I have broadcast 25 of the 26 football playoff games Ashland High School has played since the playoff system began in 1976. The only game I did not broadcast was the very first game against Plymouth in Menasha in 1978. However, I attended that game as a spectator. Therefore, I believe I may be the only person who has seen every AHS football playoff game ever played.
For several years, I have felt a site like this one was needed. It is an opportunity to cover ALL Ashland High School co-curricular activities. I invite users of this site to also submit material for the website. Call in game scores and highlights, submit photos, or simply give me your ideas about what should be included. Register as a user. It's easy and simple. Or, sign our guestbook and let us know what you think about this site.
You may contact me by e-mail, phone or letter. Thank you for visiting.
Clarence Campbell
1014 Chapple Ave.
Ashland, WI 54806
Cell: (715) 292-1160